Coursework: Summer Project 2018

Complete the following tasks on a blogpost on your coursework blog called 'Summer Project: coursework planning':

1) Research: Film trailer analysis

You need to write detailed 250-word close-textual analyses of six film trailers in your chosen genre. For each film trailer, focus on a different aspect of media language, and embed each one on your blog:

Film trailer 1: Narrative and genre
How is narrative and genre communicated quickly and clearly to the audience?'

They subvert stereotypes to communicate narrative quickly by showing a young, Indian girl playing football. This challenges the Andy Medhurst's theory of shorthand identification as usually you would expect to see a disciplined daughter however this is not true and that she disobeys her family.  This tell the audience that it is not a typical movie and and lets them know that her family is going to be an obstacle for her journey. Typically, it is seen that Indian women should learn how to cook and clean from an early age however, she has failed to do so and instead, challenges this by playing a manly sport in the park with men. This tells us that it is a coming of age drama as we have to watch and see how she overcomes this or if her family will accept her for she who is.

They also use voice overs and dialogue to communicate to the audience quickly by giving them an insight of the movie. This lets them know what problems (disequilibriums) may occur but leaves them wondering how she solves it. They also introduce romance in the drama as you can see the main protagonist kissing a man. This creates a sub-genre within the movie and makes the audience consider if love might be an obstacle in her path as well.

Film trailer 2: Mise-en-scene
What do you notice about the use of mise-en-scene to create meanings for the audience? Think CLAMPS.

hat do you notice about the use of mise-en-scene to create meanings for the audience? Think CLAMPS.
the mise-en-scene presented in this trailer seems to be very over the top. The customes are very obvious that they are a typical custome used by horror movies. The props used in this movie trailer help create most of the narrative in this trailer. It parodies other scary movies: hence the use of certain type of props. they make up helps the movie become more relaistics as it allows the characters to have some sort of meaning in the narrative.

Film trailer 3: Camerawork
Here you are looking for particular camera shots and movement. E.g. Are close-ups used to introduce key characters to the audience? How are establishing shots used? 

Most scenes in the camera are a slow pan, which makes the scene appear agonisingly long which also adds to the suspense and thrill for the audience. At one point the camera follows the characters and this is done speedily to add action to the scenes. The trailer also includes jump scares which keeps the viewers on edge throughout the trailer. Alongside with fast paced editing the trailer also consists of slow paced editing this is done purposely to catch the viewers off guard as well as keep them interested and guessing.
There are also a variety of close ups to magnify the the extent of fear faced by the characters it also creates suspense as the audiences view is limited and they aren't aware of the surroundings.

Film trailer 4: Editing
Analyse pace, transitions, number of shots and juxtaposition e.g. eyeline matches. Does the pace speed up towards the end of the trailer?

Analyse pace, transitions, number of shots and juxtaposition e.g. eyeline matches. Does the pace speed up towards the end of the trailer? 
At the beginning of the trailer as they viewers are being told of the story the editing is slow paced as well as during some of the horror scenes shown the editing is slow paced this is so that they can grab the audience's attention so they understand the trailer, it is also slow so that suspence can be created and grab the audience's attention for longer.
The second half of the trailer consists of fact pace editing this is to imply that this is the main plot of the scenes, using face past editing during a horror scene compliments the scene very well and adds to the thrill.
The transition between shots is quite abrupt to further enhance the fast paced editing as well as to show a lot in a little amount of time in the trailer. The trailer also has jump scares which keep the audience's on edge throughout the trailer and keep them entertained.

Film trailer 5: Sound
Analyse both diegetic and non-diegetic sound - music, dialogue, voiceover, SFX, background or foley sound etc.

The trailer consists of a combination of diegetic and non-diegetic sounds.
The diegetic sound of the spoon tapping against the cup creates suspense because it suddenly fades in and out after moments of silence, this will intrigue and engage the audience.  This trailer particularly uses sound in an interesting way throughout, especially through the use of non-diegetic contrapuntal sound. Audiences can identify contrapuntal sound being used in the most disturbing and violent scenes of the trailer which creates an uncomfortable effect on the audience. The feelings an audience would feel on watching those scenes (from 1 minute on wards) does not match to the feelings they would typically feel when listening to the sound track used over. The trailer mainly consists of diegetic sound throughout such as speech from characters and sounds of objects, spoon tapping against a cup etc. 

Film trailer 6: Trailer conventions, intertextuality, graphics, text-on-screen etc.
Here you need to explore trailer conventions and intertextuality - what does this trailer have that you've spotted in all the trailers you have analysed so far? Are there any intertextual references? Look at conventions, text on screen, graphics, title, release date, social media links and more.

Here you need to explore trailer conventions and intertextuality - what does this trailer have that you've spotted in all the trailers you have analysed so far? Are there any intertextual references? Look at conventions, text on screen, graphics, title, release date, social media links and more.
Throughout the trailer between different scenes there is text to engage the audience - some of the text used are reviews from critics rating the film in a positive manner which gives the film a good impression on the audience. The trailer also consists of 'from the producer of' which gives the audience an idea of what kind of film this will be and also gives the film recognition as it is linking it to other popular films - people who like the other films that are mentioned are more likely to go out of their way to watch this one. 

2) Planning: Film pitch

Here you need to plan your own film idea that will form the basis of your trailer and posters. This means developing a complete film pitch that outlines the narrative, characters and more.

Complete this film pitch template (you can copy the questions into your blog or complete on Word and link from your blog) to demonstrate you have planned a complete feature film in your chosen genre.

Title: Next of Kin

Tagline: 'Its every man for himself'

Genre (and sub-genre/hybrid genre if applicable): Horror 

Log-line – one sentence that sums up the film and hooks people in (25 words or fewer): 

Other successful films that are similar to yours: 

Narrative structure – what happens in the film and in what order: 

  1. The character playing the villain, John Lateman, is a CEO of a billion dollar company and this particular year, his company did very well in terms of profits. Due to his success, he invites 5 of his best and most trusted employees to his hill top mansion to celebrate.
  2. In the letter, it states that the 5 people invited must bring their next of kin to celebrate the evening
  3. Once all the guests arrive, they are taken into the living room where all phones and electrical devices are confiscated. 
  4. Once the dinner has been prepared, the butler directs them into the dining room where the 5 invited guests are seated next to their plus ones. 
  5. Dinner commences and they are fed steak made of human flesh (they didn't know this, only the audience knows to create dramatic irony) 
  6. After dinner, John Lateran suggests they play a daring game. The game consists of torture devices and the decision of whether the 5 invited guests would like to endure the pain themselves or pass it on to their next of kin. 

Hero/heroine, their desires, the conflicts they encounter etc.: 
  • Hero: Mason (one of the guests who endures most of the pain and tries to break free and save the remaining people who are still alive

3) Statement of Intent

Write your genuine 500-word Statement of Intent. This will be submitted to the exam board alongside your media products and is worth 10 marks of the overall 60 marks available.

Guidance is provided by AQA in their NEA Student Booklet but we strongly recommend you also look at our Statement of Intent suggested questions document too.

For my film trailer, I plan on making a 90 second - 2 minute trailer which will present a British low budget horror film. The narrative for the film is a multi-billionaire CEO named John Lateman who holds a dinner party and invites 5 of his best hand men within the company. Included in the letter sent to the businessmen, it mentioned that they must bring their 'Next of Kin' with them to make the event more memorable. When the businessmen arrive, they are taken into the first room where all mobile phones and electronic devices are confiscated; they are then taken into the dining room where dinner is served by the staff and they talk about business. After dinner, Mr Lateman tells his men that they are going to play a game which entails the 5 business and their next of kin to decide whether they wish to endure the pain of the torture devices being brought out, or whether they pass it to their next of kin. At the end of the game, the last business man standing becomes the new CEO of the company. The funding company that is most likely to fund a film of this low budget and narrative is the BFC as they are usually known for supporting low budget British films.

Some factors is am going to include within my trailer to meet the brief is having three locations – the room they are first taken into, the dining hall and lastly the front of the house when Mason and a couple other people escape and run away. Throughout my trailer, I will also be using diegetic and non-diegetic sound; this will ensure that the audience gets an eerie feel when the non-diegetic sound is playing but are still able to relate to the characters and what they are going through, through the diegetic sounds.

Propps character type’s theory is one of the narrative theories I will be referring to within the trailer which the audience will be able to relate to; for example, the main protagonist/hero is Mason Rodriguez and his wife is the princess who is pregnant and he tries to escape with. The villain Mr Late man who is the dinner host and the character to proposes the torture game.  

The audience will be able to relate to my trailer and poster because there will be factors which are very specific to these types of promotion. For example, typical trailers usually include factors such as credits, awards the film has acquired, the funding company and the BBFC age certification – these are all factors that I plan on using. Regarding typical film posters, factors I will be include are mostly images and very little text, references to the film and film trailer as well as having the tagline and social media references.

4) Ignite presentation

Prepare a 5-minute, 20-slide presentation using the Ignite format in which you present your coursework project. In effect, this is your statement of intent in presentation format. You must cover:

  • Your film idea: title, tagline, genre, narrative etc.
  • Media language: how you will use conventions, camerawork, editing, mise-en-scene and sound to create an effective trailer and film posters.
  • Media representations: how you will use or subvert stereotypes; representation theory.
  • Media audiences: your target audience demographics and psychographics; audience pleasures; audience theory.
  • Media industries and digital convergence: the potential companies or organisations that could fund or distribute your film; how your trailer and posters will use new and digital media and digital convergence to create an effective campaign.
Ignite presentations have very specific rules: you must create exactly 20 slides with each slide set to 15-second auto-advance. This means your presentation will be exactly five minutes followed by questions and comments from the class. You will deliver your presentation on your coursework planning in the first week back in September.

You can find more information about Ignite presentations - including examples - in this Ignite presentation blogpost here.

Summer project deadline: all tasks above due in first lesson back in September


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