Film & TV Language: Poster Analysis
From this poster, it seems this movie is a sci-fi/action film as there are two space ship like objects which could suggest that throughout the movie, the characters will have to defeat the aliens and save the world. The who characters on the cover seem to be the protagonists, who are the ones defeating the aliens. As the two protagonists are of opposite gender, it could suggest that they may fall in love during the movie which depicts a sub-genre of romance. Considering the genre and plot of the movie, I think it would be targeted at people aged 16 and over because being a sci-fi/action, it probably would contain the use of guns and violence, which isn't very appropriate for children of young age.
The second movie seems to be a horror/comedy. I can tell because firstly the film is called 'Scary Movie' and one of the characters on the poster looks possessed. The reason why this movie is also a comedy because on the top of the poster, the text reads 'absolutely hilarious'. Another reason why I think this movie includes comedy because the way the characters are dressed on the poster is very immature. The protagonists seem to be the three characters at the front and the two at the back on the left and the right as they are dressed normally. The two characters on the back row in the middle seem to be the villains due to the way they are dressed and their makeup. I think the target audience for this movie is 10+ because although it is a mild horror, it is also a comedy which makes it more suitable.

From looking at the this this third poster and the quality of it, this looks like an old movie in which the main protagonist is looking over a city that was once is home, as the city looks destroyed. The lighting in the picture is very dull and dark which could suggest that the genre of the film id very sad. The target audience seems to be the older generation, 25+ as the poster portrays the movie to be very serious.
This fourth poster shows a boy who is looking into a hole which could portray a sense of adventure. The title 'I am not scared' could mean that the boy is always being underestimated by adults, and is trying to prove that he is old enough and not scared. The genre of this movie could be sci-fi/adventure as the boy may venture on a journey, maybe falling into the hole and being able to care for himself, proving his sense of maturity.

From looking at this poster, it is very dull and dark with bold red writing which suggests that the movie is a sci-fi/action/horror movie. The red writing amongst the black could represent blood, murder and crime which is created by the villain who seems to be in the bottom left corner surrounded by light; this light could represent that he is the main character/villain in which the five protagonists are trying to defeat. I think target audience for this movie is 16+ as there are clear uses of guns and violence as shown on the poster.
This poster is clearly about pirates, hence the name of the movie. From analysing the poster, the movie seems to be about conflict between pirates, and who gets the 'Dead mans chest' which I most likely filled with gold and treasure. In the middle of the poster, there are two pirate ships which could foreshadow a battle between the two ships in order to find the 'chest'. The main pirate is clearly shown on the poster and the other two protagonists who look like normal people got caught in all the drama. I think the target audience for this movie is most likely to be the boys/men as it is about pirates and is an action movie.
The genre of this movie would be comedy/drama/romance which is shown through the bold writing at the top of the poster. The two protagonists are probably going to face some issues within their relationship, however they work out their problems and get married with support of their families, who are shown on either side of the characters. The poster is very brightly lit, which could connate happiness and hope within the movie, ending with a cliché of 'living happily ever after'. The target audience for this film is most probably women as they are more likely to enjoy this genre.
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