
Showing posts from April, 2018

The rise of foreign-language TV

Read this  Independent feature on foreign-language dramas . It features an in-depth interview with Walter Iuzzolino who curates Channel 4's Walter Presents programming. Answer the questions below: 1) What does the article suggest regarding the traditional audience for foreign-language subtitled media? Traditional audiences were seen as pretentious and dull, it was very niche compared to today. There were only a few broadcasters like BBC and Channel 4 presenting these texts. 2) What does Walter Iuzzolino suggest is the key appeal of his 'Walter Presents' shows? Walter says "'it's simply down to material', they select popular shows in their countries so they are not a niche, its something everyone can enjoy. Also, binge-watching as box sets are available are an attraction. 3) The article makes an interesting claim for the popularity of subtitles in the multi-screen age. What does it suggest? When reading subtitles, people are glued to their screen, its an en...

The impact of new/digital media on TV

Go to our  Media Magazine archive  and read the article on Netflix and the Cultural Industries(MM63 - page 45). Create a blogpost called 'The impact of new/digital media on TV' and  answer the following questions: 1) What does the 'industry' concept in A Level Media Studies refer to? It refers to how a media organisation and the content created, distributed and developed by these organisations or how these organisations operate in terms of regulation. 2) What does David Hesmondhalgh argue with regards to how the creative industries have changed since the 1980s? Media corporation are increasingly owning companies in different sectors of the industry. Niche audiences are increasingly targeted. The digital era has allowed online companies to compete with traditional tv companies. The amount spent on advertising has increased as well as cross promotion within texts. Globalisation has allowed texts to cirulate more easily. 3) Choose the three most significant points...

Postmodernism & Deutschland 83

Go to our Media Factsheet archive on the Media Shared drive and open Factsheet #54: Introduction to Postmodernism. Our Media Factsheet archive is on the Media Shared drive: M:\Resources\A Level\Media Factsheets - you'll need save the factsheet to USB or email it to yourself in order to complete this at home. Read the factsheet and answer the following questions: 1) Read the section on Strinati's five ways to define postmodernity. What examples are provided of the breakdown of the distinction between culture and society (media-isation)? The examples that are provided of the breakdown of the distinction between the culture and society are Bruno, Borat and Ali G. They are more well known and 'real' than the actor who plays them (Sacha Baron Cohen). The media reality is more real than the object itself and we only understand it/see it through the media. Advertising is an example of this, in society people are very influenced in buying the 'brand' rather than th...